For many home builders in Florida, there is one crucial question: Should they build with concrete blocks or wood frames? Are wood frame homes safe in Florida, where there can be extreme weather conditions? The answer can be a bit complicated, however, generally in Florida, the price is the same for either material that you choose. But there is one choice that outshines the other. That choice is always concrete. The best part is Charlie Johnson Builder only builds using concrete block. 


Building construction varies depending on the part of the country that you are building in, and there are pros and cons to each type of building material. In the North, homes tend to be built out of wood, while in FL, it is common to see concrete block being utilized, and there is a reason for that. Read on to learn more about the various pros and cons of wood frames versus concrete block, and about which one is the better option for your home. Charlie Johnson Builder is one of the top home builders in Lake County FL, and here for your questions about building your dream home. Call Charlie Johnson Builders today for your building needs today!


Wood Frame Versus Concrete Block Construction

The type of building material you should use will vary greatly depending on the area of the country that you are building in. The majority of residential exteriors in Florida are built using one of two methods: concrete block construction or CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit), and engineered wood frame construction. These materials are then finished with stucco, siding, brick or stone, which is nonstructural and acts as a decorative face on the exterior that supports it. 


When it comes to wood-frame construction, the exterior walls are made with 2 x 4 or 2 x 6-dimensional lumber. The lumber member is spaced between 12” and 16” on center and is determined by using required building codes. However is this the best choice? With wood, the home is vulnerable to many damages. This includes termites, inclement weather, wind, etc. This will cost you money to repair later down the road. This is not a problem when it comes to concrete. With concrete block,  you have thermal massing, which is ideal for Florida homes. 


Also, keep not that we reinforce concrete block with steel and extra downpours. This makes for a higher density of concrete. We use a minimum of 3000 lbs compared to 2000 lbs. This makes for a very strong, almost indestructible structure. You can’t say the same with wood. 


Are Wood Frame Homes Safe In Florida

With concrete block construction or CMU, cement blocks are utilized. Generally, the typical residential exterior wall made from these blocks (called CMUs) will measure 8” x 8” x 16” and is 80% hollow. Many people are curious as to why Florida has a combination of both wood frame and concrete block homes. It all depends on geography, as the Northern part of the state as well as the panhandle and some central Florida areas are majority-built in wood frame, while other areas in Florida typically build CMU homes even though the majority of homes with a second floor that is made out of engineered wood frame construction. Charlie Johnson Builder, one of the top home builders in Lake County FL, notes that both methods can be useful as both methods meet all current building codes which require the structure to be able to withstand 120 mph winds and perform properly thermally. Both types of building methods are built to withstand strong winds and hurricane weather, which is why it then depends on you as the homeowner. 


Contact Us Today

If you are wondering, “are wood frame homes safe in Florida,” then the answer is that concrete construction is always a  better choice. Our company is one of the top home builders in Lake County FL. Call Charlie Johnson Builder today for your building needs!


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